effectual fervent prayer

Today I got to do the last devotional leading into our last series of pageant performances. Rob asked us if to theme it with Christmas memories, so I picked one of my favorite Christmas memories from when I was growing up.

When I was 3 (the first Christmas I can remember), we were in Baton Rouge and the whole family got together (my dad's side) and it was a memorable becuase of what happened. I remember the fun, but for years my family has talked about, caroling and getting doors slammed in our faces, but I remember we made the whole block.

Now that I think of it, that story has really nothing to do with James 5:16 but the pageant does. We pray for each pageant, that God will use it, and amplify the gospel message throughout... but we can't stop at this, we must fervently petition God to continue move in the hearts of those that have come and heard the message.

So anyway... that was what I talked about.

It has been a great day today.. I'm looking forward to what this week has in store.

1 Responses to “effectual fervent prayer”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    effectual...hmmm??? glad your blogging again.


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