crazy way to do announcements

I really want everyone to know about upcoming stuff. But nobody really listens to the talking head... so we made it sing.

6 Responses to “crazy way to do announcements”

  1. # Blogger Rob and Becky

    oh my...

  2. # Blogger Mark B

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the laughs! How did G not crack up is my only question?  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    That's funny stuff. My wife was crackin' up! There is something very Elton Johnish about you in that video. Not sure that is a compliment.



  4. # Blogger AR

    What a hoot! I've heard so much about it, and it was worth looking up. Nice job Steve. I may try that in my middle adult class.... hmmmm....  

  5. # Blogger oakleyses
  6. # Blogger oakleyses
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