triple tuesday..

it has been a while but... here it goes

1. I'm really motivated to get to at least 100 posts, but I know that when I get there I'll be a little disappointed with the reaction. I can see it now. ~ me... in a room... "yay.. I just did my 100th post!!!"... then I'll look around and realize, it's just me in a room, and I just did my 100th post. Wow, now that is depressing.

2. Tonight I was with a bunch of students at McDonald's and somehow got to thinking about the legendary SNL skit "DA Bears!"

3. I got nothing.... I should try this a little earlier in the night... when my brain doesn't hurt so much. Not that my brain is hurting, probably just a headache from staring at my computer for too long. But maybe, just maybe, tiny creatures crawled into my head last night when I was sleeping and they are flapping their wings behind and above my eye sockets. I'm normally not a conspiracy theorist... but this one does have me concerned... what if there weren't ever really headaches, but a calculated attack by the entire "bug world" to drive us crazy.... I really think it is working.

1 Responses to “triple tuesday..”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    yep that's my husband!  

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