maybe one day in a few years I'll get to 100 posts

we have had an exciting few weeks here at McGregor. Pageant is always a time for fun and relaxation... wait what am I saying... I'm glad to have a real weekend coming up.

Pageant was fun though. Every year I get to meet someone new and even get to know someone that was an acquaintance a bit better.

I got to lead the devotion before the friday night performance this past weekend and (if I say so myself) I did pretty well. (I'm trying to be really humble) I know that God really used me to turn the hearts of His people. I'm just kidding, but I did really do a devotion for the pageant that was from my heart and I wanted to share it with all of you (which is mainly Kristi, I think she checks my blog about 15 times a day, thank you for your faithfulness and giving me at least 15 hits to my blog.)

John 13:34
A new commandment "love each other like I have loved you!" - Jesus

I focused on how Christ love us.

We should Correct each other when we are out of line. Christ corrected the Disciples many times to get them one the right path. Correcting someone is a form of love...

We should meet each others need. Jesus took care of the disciples, we should do likewise with each other.

We should have a passion for each others success. Jesus wanted us to succeed so bad He went to the cross for us. (a new measure of success)

2 Responses to “maybe one day in a few years I'll get to 100 posts”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    actually i haven't checked your blog in days!!!! soooo you must have another reader out there somewhere.
    but i am so glad you posted a new one.  

  2. # Blogger Meg Easterbrook

    A very good reminder and encouragement!  

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