
I'm really excited about my lesson tonight. It isn't often that I go in depth in the old testament and this will be my second week. I'm praying that the students will really want to pay attention to what God has laid on my heart.

Triple Tuesday last night was really fun. We've been doing some evangelism training and it is cool to see students get to learn how to do what Jesus wanted us to do... share the good news about Him. I was asking a few of the students (all of them - there is only a few) what it would take for them to take their faith in Christ to the next level... take action. They want to be given the opportunity... and have someone come along side them and set the example. That was almost verbatim their answer... and I was like wow that is exactly what we are doing with triplemsm... and there is so many other things that we can do.

God holds Abraham up as a man of faith, but we see him on two occasions waver in the same area (lying about Sarai being his sister)... God's plan is so much greater than us. We mess up along the way, but He does so much more to take care of us. While Abraham was messing up, giving Sarah away twice (nearly losing her both times), God's plan to provide Abraham a son prevails, along with God's promise to bless the earth with Abraham's offspring (too numerous to count). We can all learn from this.

What step of faith does God want you to take? DON'T LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK!!

2 Responses to “tonight”

  1. # Blogger Gerald Malloy

    So if I read your message here, does it mean that I don't have to show up to hear it live?? Also, I'm a little freaked out by the new pic over on the right side. It's like you are looking at the camera...but not really...  

  2. # Blogger Steven Anderson

    My message probably should've been that short last night.  

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