practicing what you preach

Jesus showed love to His disciples by correcting them. This correction taught them what was important and was an attempt for them to be prepared for things to come. I don't think it was until everything was done that the disciples really put it all together. Simply put, Jesus could always see the big picture.

When we are corrected, by whatever authority or even God through the Holy Spirit, it is sometimes one of the hardest things to deal with. I remember getting pulled over and receiving a ticket for running a red light when I was in college. I must have had a sour face or something, but the police officer wasn't too happy with me... and I was trying my best to get the best excuse possible, end game I ran a red-light, I get a ticket. It hits a little closer to home when it is a spiritual matter or anything else.

How should we take correction...

- with an understanding that God has ordained all authority. If someone can correct you and does, you must be respectful.
- always thinking objectively and then have some time to evaluate it for yourself.
- remember that correction allows you to be better or get it right in the long term.

There is a lot more to be said there but that is at least a good start for you to think about.

On the flip side, How to we give correction?

- unless you have been given the authority or the job to correct, stick to worrying about yourself.
- if you have the authority, be honest, bold and loving and if given the chance help work toward the solution.

It is really easy to write this on a blog, but practicing it is a different story.

1 Responses to “practicing what you preach”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    This is so true, it is so much easier to hand out correction then it is to be handed correction. As a parent I give correction to teach my kids and sometimes/most of the time I meet up with resistance. I guess that is the same when I am being corrected by God. God corrects out of Love as we correct out of Love. We are all children.....  

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