great discussions

We have been engaging in some great ministry dialogue all day today. I'm so blessed to be around people who aren't afraid to ask the tough questions, and that are very equally not afraid to hear the tough answers. If our Vision is to have a middle school ministry where Middle School students are doing amazing things (beyond expectation) for the Glory of God, we each have to be engaged in the conversation.

What is the best way to Reach middle school (MS) students?

What is the best way to get them connected to other MS students who love God and adults that love God?

How can we get those MS student that connect serving in ministry and investing in other MS students lives?

These are the discussions that will help us succeed in our Vision.

things you need to know and other stuff you might not

I'm Steven Anderson the middle school pastor at McGregor Baptist Church in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm married to the most incredible woman in the world, Kristi. We have two sons, Jonathan (4) and Tyler (1).

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