sunglasses, shoes and weight loss

I'm not sure if these things go together, but they might.

I don't wear sunglasses all that often, but today I found myself really needing some after leaving a restaurant Shawn and I were at for lunch. It really caught me off guard, how bright the sun is. Like, is it getting closer? (blonde moment) But I've been in florida since 2002 and I never realized how much I really need sunglasses.

A pair of my shoes got dirty after a little muddy exploration monday a week ago. I took them off at my front door and that is where they still are....

This morning... I realized that my pants are fitting a lot looser on me than they normally do.

There has got to be some relation between these things.... Doesn't there?

1 Responses to “sunglasses, shoes and weight loss”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I think the link is a little different than you think. See i wear sunglasses all the time (I'm rarely without them) and having horses there are always muddy shoes by the door yet I'm always fighting for weight loss. I suspect the link between these three things for you might be forgetfulness. You forget your sun glasses, you forget to clean and put away the muddy shoes. Do you think you may have forgotten to wash your jeans and you are just on day 2 when they are always a little more comfortable. :)  

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