a series 2 - Servant Leadership

To become a disciple of Christ you have to follow Christ. I think far to many people follow people (in the church) with no thought of Christ, whether it be through book, attending, or other methods, the focus could be more on what one person has to say other than what Christ is saying through them. Not that these things are wrong, but they do point us to a huge responsibility as leaders: Consistently point people toward obedience (followship) of Christ. That being said we can look to His example to find out how to do that.

The second chapter of Being Leaders compares and contrasts what Christ did, how we should be as leader and how we shouldn't. The book has a really cool chart in it that shows the characteristics of servant leadership from Biblical directives.

We should lead humbly ("not lording over") contrast: humility, not ego
Everything we do is about service ("a servant and slave") contrast: giving, not receiving
We should lead others ("for many") contrast: others, not self
We should lead because we love them ("the full extent of his love") contrast: a towel, not a throne

We know that Christ was God already, and had humbled himself by coming to live with us in the flesh. He became a servant and slave to, not just us but "the world" and gave His life for those that would believe, repent and follow; "no greater love."

We can learn a lot of things by adopting these principles into our everyday decisions and actions.

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