8-13-08 triple

Tonight was a great night. A picture of what I hope is more to come. Gerald and the band did an incredible job at engaging the students in worship. We have stepped up our game in the video world, which has created more opportunity to serve and ups the production quality (minus a few glitches tonight). The students moved, responded to, and were excited by the different elements of the night. It is really easy to engage them following our camp, so that really gave us a boost. We also had 132 people there tonight, making it one of the biggest Triple's since December.

Tonight also showed me the importance of a tech sheet and more communication between me and everyone involved in production. I need to let go and let other people do what they are good at, which after being in stage 2 for so long (where I sometimes ran words, sound and lights solo) is going to take me some time to do. Like I said, I'm excited about where we are going. I really can't wait to meet the new 6th grade and get them into the mix with all the excitement.

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