Wednesday Night Review

This week we were looking at baptism the overarching theme of obedience, doing what God tells you to do when He tells you to. We were in Acts 9 with Ananias and Paul. The really cool thing was how refreshing it is to worship with our middle school students. Here is the wrap-up of the night.

Attendance: Average (second wednesday of MS ministry at McGregor)
Lesson Topic: Week 2 of our "Back to the Basics" series
'Fun Factor': Average
Team Involvement: Above Average
Music: Above Average
Lesson Quality: below Average
Length of Lesson: 25 minutes
Student Response: Above Average

We had a phenomenal night with exception to the message (I'm my own worst critic). The student response was amazing. Students dealt with God, brought friends, and really engaged in Worship. I have never worked with a more amazing team, paid and volunteer, it is such a blessing not to be the only one engaging the lives of these middle school students.

4 Responses to “Wednesday Night Review”

  1. # Blogger AR

    Love your audit/analysis! Makes me think.

  2. # Blogger oakleyses
  3. # Blogger oakleyses
  4. # Blogger oakleyses
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