return to blogging randomness

I guess I should get better about blogging. I really haven't done it in a long time. I'm just getting off a vacation, and you really can't beat vacationing at home. OK... I could think of a million other places to go on vacation, but new babies and tight budgets create close proximities.

I'm getting ready to leave on the final "student ministry" activity, at least for a little while. We are heading today to Trinidad with our youth choir. I don't really know what to expect, so I won't expect anything accept for God to move bigtime.

While I'm sitting and waiting for my trip, I'm on the couch checking some of the blogs that I look at (oh yeah and writing this) Kristi is feeding Tyler and JP is on the floor watching some cartoons. We've had a huge change in our lives with the addition of Tyler, but strangly right now everything seems normal. We are so blessed. I'm going to figure out how I might be able to post blogs while I'm in trinidad.... if I don't figure that out, you might not hear from me until my birthday.

things you need to know and other stuff you might not

I'm Steven Anderson the middle school pastor at McGregor Baptist Church in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm married to the most incredible woman in the world, Kristi. We have two sons, Jonathan (4) and Tyler (1).

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