Habakkuk 2:3

Habakkuk 2:3

This is one of Kristi's favorite verses. It seems really obscure at first, but given in light of what is going on around Habakkuk and what God is telling him it is really powerful. In a way, it is like us reading revelation. It is a vision awaiting its appointed time, but rest assured it will happen. Habakkuk during his time was faced with a lot junk... everywhere he looked he saw injustice, and evil surrounded the righteous so much that even justice went out perverted. At some point you have to stop and realize that this sounds so familiar.

We can find joy in the thought that God's justice will be carried out in the end. I'm left thinking, "What do we do until then?" We can't carry out God's justice and judgement, unless He wills, and as of this time He hasn't put me in that position of influence. However, I can think of some things to do while we wait.

1. Help others - (matt. 25:40) we won't be able to change everything, but we can help and are commanded to.

2. Worship God (live by faith) - (hab. 2:4) "the righteous shall live by his faith."

You'll read on into Habakkuk 3 and notice that even though everything isn't perfect around him Habakkuk gives glory to God for what He does. Let's find out what God is doing, get on board with it, and give Him the glory for it!

1 Responses to “Habakkuk 2:3”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    That is a great verse! It gives so much encouragement to the heart of a believer - Great post!  

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